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Reason 2 Die is the "Left 4 Dead - Versus Mode" related game by PlaceRebuilder.


Reason 2 Die Official Picture

 There are about 4 maps, and there are many weapons, places, and zombies.   The Survivors win if The Infected dont kill them all before they flee in a rescue vehicle.

File:Infected Win.png

The picture is shown if The Infected win

File:Survivors Win.png

This picture is shown if The Survivors win

thumb|400px|right|Player: IronMaiden98. View: 1st Person. Gun: MP5. Melee Wep: Tinpot.


You always start with the Shotgun, to change weapon, just say (to example) Bill.

The things you have to say stands in the information about the weapon.'

OBS! You get the weapon in the next round!


All the guns are needed for survivors to survive. They are all good against boomers.


Your starter weapon. Low damage, low ammo. But good for quick attacks.


A medium firing speed weapon. Deals more damage than the uzi, and is more accurate. Though, it has less ammo, and slower firing.

Say Bill to get this weapon.

Dual Pistols

Double pistols, means double damage. It does double damage, and will quickly wipeout the health on The Infected.

Say Zoey to get this weapon.


The fastest weapon. It fires unaccurately, and does little damage. It has the most ammo, as well. This weapon is best for smokers, because of it's fast action.

Say Louis to get this weapon.


The slowest, but also can be most useful. It deals high damage, and fire 4 at once. It has slow firing, but good if accurately shot. This is the best weapon for tanks, due to the high damage.

Different from the other weapons, you gotta press R to reload every shell, it can hold 6 shells without reloading and carry 10, so be sure your on a place near a ammo pile.

You start with this weapon, but if you want it and you got Uzi for example, say Francis.

Damage = 25 per bullet


A weapon that you can buy. It is good against all zombies but I wouldn't recommend it against a Tank. It is the most powerful weapon in game as it kills all zombies except Tanks in one hit.

Say buy/sniper to get it if you have 30 pts.

Melee Weapons

To get a melee weapon, say the weapons name.


The smallest, but closest in melee weapon. It will send the enemy flying.


A longer melee. It will also fling away the enemy.


The hammer is about the same size as shovel.

Other Items


Medkits will heal full health. When used, it dissapears.

You can also heal teammateswith this tool! Press E when the medkit is on a player to heal him!


Pills sadly, only give temporary health. After it's used up, you will have, or even less, the health you had before.


Non-tool, but still useful. Good for barricades, when you DON'T want an Infected coming through that door, or just plain pushing.

Explosive Barrel

Uncommonly found, it will explode when in contact with a single bullet, killing all in the explosion.



A bottle, that can be thrown. It is an explosive. A fire will start spreading, killing anyone in the fire, even survivors.

Pipe Bomb

The most affective and useful carried grenade, as the name says, its more like a bomb!

If you throw it, every zombie near you will follow it and get BOOMed, tough this dont kill a Tank, but its

useful against it. Some players do a really annoying thing called "Pipe Waste"! When chasen by a Normal Zombie, they throw

it, wasting it if theres coming a Tank on the map, wich it will.


Normal Zombie

There is nothing special it can do. It can only use melee attacks, and it is faster than the Survivors. It however, does very low damage.


The slowest infected, but dose the second most damage, can explode at death and can vomit on survivors for damage.. Press E to vomit.


A very agile zombie. It can jump up on roofs very easy and jump down and begin to damage the Survivor. Press E to jump higher and walk faster.


It can use its tongue to constrict and kill survivors. The Smoker is most effective were there is a gap between him and his chosen target. When the Smoker gets grip of the Survivor, the Survivor panics and shoots the Smoker. If the Survivor is over a gap when this happens, they will fall to their death. Press E to use a melee attack.


The strongest and rarest zombie. It does very high amounts of damage, and can throw blocks at survivors. Press E to throw.

Bloxcoast City

The city is a urban area, with buildings. You can find safehouse-doors. Either a helicopter will rescue on the highest tower on map "The Office Tower", or a boat at the Dock.


An abandoned military island with a big cannon (un use-able) and small rooms where you can be hiding in, a underwater tunnel wich leads to another island with a little house, a wood-tower, and Medkits, Pills,Molotovs and explosive barrels.

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One of the small hideouts in Bloxharbor


A farm, growing "Studs." It takes place at a big house, with stairs, tables, and have a closet. Falling to your death is much more likely, because of a tiny hole . A good tip is to search all of the rooms to find Medkits, Molotovs or Pills, then get up on the roof. A truck will rescue you on the road in front of house.

Forbidden Waters

An abandoned campsite is all it is. Tents with pills or medkits are placed around. Small buildings supply many medkits and barrels. On back of one of the houses theres a cellar, and a breakable wall, that leads to an underground tunnel, you can also enter it from one if the sides in the big lake. A camping bus will rescue survivors, BE AWARE! The bus starts driving of around 8 seconds before it should!

Stud Harvest

A house, with 2 floors, Medkits, Pills and Molotovs, a forest, and another island. The first house island has a house, train tracks, and a forest. The other island has, again, trees, a smaller house, and a cliff. A train where you start or military van across the bridge comes to save you.


The bridge between the two islands in Farmhouse


A map where Smokers rule. There are many thin bridges and areas where a survivor may fall to their death, making this a very dangerous map. It has 2 houses, one that some call "The Top House", a very good spot for the Survivors to camp on, and a house at the bottom of the field, the other side, actually, of the map from "The Top House".


Random Zombie

Sometimes a zombie will gain the abilities of two types of Infected.


Train Glitch

Somehow, it is done. The train will then glitch, and appear in a strange position in the next arena.

Truck Glitch

If you put a barrel in front of the truck in Farmhouse, it will stop suddenly. Stay in front of the barrel, and hold it in place.


Group Attack

A common tactic used for both. Survivors will gather together, protecting each other from infected. They will often be found when a tank appears, making sure the bullets are worth the shot. They also often are seen when the end of the game is near. Infected will get together, and do strong damage together and once, taking each person down like nothing. However, this can be countered with the use of a Boomer.

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Make sure to watch each others' backs!

Fort Refuge

Survivors will get safely into a house, and barricade it. They will not come out until the rescue vehicle comes, and get supplies. This strategy is common Bloxcoast City where The Gun Shop is a perfect room for barricading with 4 barrels and 2 doors! Infected can use this tactic as well. They get into a house, and wait for a survivor to come, and kill.

End Attack

Survivors will keep their molotov, pipebomb, etc. until the end of the round, unless a tank is seen. They get into the rescue vehicle, and defend it with the weapons. It gets more intense, as the end gets more near, due to the aggression of the infected not winning. Tanks are common to spawn at the end, so this can also work.

Bullet Campout

Few survivors will stand near a reloading table. They have infinite ammo, as it seems, and will not run out. The only thing obvious is that they can get caught by a tank or a smoker.

Tank Torture

All you need is a bunch of molotovs, 3 or more, and a pipebomb. Save them both for a tank. When the tank comes, throw the pipebomb. It will only damage 1/4 of it's health. Throw a molotov BEFORE it explodes. Then, it will do a kill. Also, another tip for torturing a tank is throwing a pipebomb off the baseplate.

Other small tips

  • In some places, make sure you see if the person will land on ground, before killing a smoker. It's no use to try in Smokerville.
  • Don't throw molotovs in front of the rescue vehicle, unless everyone is inside.
    • The chanse of survivalfor a Survivor walking right through molotov-fire is around 0.1 - 0.2
  • This tip is great for both Zombies and Survivors. Zoom out! You will see almost the whole map, including the enemy team!
  • Don't try to hide from zombies. They can see your name, while you cannot see theirs.
  • Zooming in all the way may be efficient and allow better accuracy.However, its not always ideal, as you can easily be ambushed by zombies behind' you.